These days example sentences

The 76-year-old leader, is a very busy man these days.A lot of distractions for a youngster in the game these days.These days, bitumen, a petroleum product, is used in place of coal-tar for metalling the roads.Traditionally, the Government issued bonds, but these days' bonds are also being issued by semi-government and non-governmental organisations.Traditionally, the Government issued bonds, but these days' bonds are also being issued by semi-government and non-governmental organisations.Tax planning has become necessary these days because there are a number of tax laws in the country and they influence almost every aspect of the functioning of modern business.Traditionally, the Government issued bonds, but these days' bonds are also being issued by semi-government and non-governmental organisations.Faced with growing competition, most employers these days prefer to employ workers 'flexibly'.You can place orders for a variety of things through the phone and these days through the Internet, and the goods are delivered at your home.Sugarcane crushing was earlier done with the help of bullocks, but people prefer to do it by machines these days.These days goods are produced on a large scale and it is difficult for producers to themselves reach individual buyers for sale of their products.These days transmission through visual media such as television and the Internet are similar to face-to-face interaction, but not a substitute for the latter.Traditionally, the Government issued bonds, but these days' bonds are also being issued by semi-government and non-governmental organisations.Traditionally, the Government issued bonds, but these days' bonds are also being issued by semi-government and non-governmental organisations.These days hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used for the purpose of bleaching clothes in the process of laundary, which gives better results and makes use of lesser amount of water.

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